Time passes

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOnce upon a time, it was a rare day I didn’t take a whole heap of pictures with my camera.  Now, for a variety of reasons, it is reversed – more and more days go by without my camera leaving its case.  It is partly because I’m getting more selected of what I ‘shoot’ but also simply other things are taking priority at present.

Later in the week, it will change, as I’m going on a little adventure for a while, and intend to take many images along the way.  Who knows, there may even be some ‘selfies’ !  I’ll not be on the internet much if at all during my ‘adventure’ but will show you what I’ve been up to on my return 🙂

7 thoughts on “Time passes

  1. Oh, good for you! I’ll look forward to the reports of your adventure.

    As for the fewer photos business, I have been interested to read increasingly frequent reports that claim people who constantly are taking photos are less likely to remember what they are seeing. Some of the best are saying, “Put that smart phone down and stop with the constant photo-taking, already.”

    I agree. Think of the number of people at concerts or exhibits who only take photos, and don’t seem to really engage. Interesting.

    1. As they say, moderation is a fine thing. 🙂 I guess I’ll also probably be mindful of how much space is on my SD card – that’s an inbuilt inhibitor 🙂 especially if there’s no where to purchase another one……

  2. I hope you enjoy your adventure, Enivea.

    Your photograph reminds me I stopped wearing a watch years ago when I realised I spent too much time checking my watch – I was watching time pass by and not concentrating on living my experiences as they occured.

    1. Yes Margaret, I can’t understand those who’s house is full of clocks. I do wear a watch, but that’s mainly so I can time how long I’ve been working for, and take a break after a time, that way avoiding overdoing it. The animals always let me know when it’s their meal time and they don’t wear watches 🙂

  3. It happens so easily sometimes doesn’t it, where things that are important to us get left on the back burner. I hope that you had a wonderful adventure, and am looking forward to seeing your new batch of photos 🙂

    1. Many thanks for your good wishes Clover. Yes, had a wonderful time and took many pictures. Amazingly, for the middle of winter, up north the roses were still flowering wonderfully!

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