Much ado about nothing

I think the title sums up the auction which took place yesterday…. or not in this case….

The long and the short of it is this – no bids were offered at the auction, despite there having been a lot of interest leading up to it, and with a fairly good attendance on the day.  So at least at this stage, it appears I’ll be staying put for a while longer.  The owners are not obliged to sell; it was more a matter of streamlining their farming enterprises.  Time will tell.

In the meantime, I’m breathing a little easier 🙂  We celebrated by taking a walk this morning out to one of the back paddocks 🙂

Celebrating Looking east

The Rich Man’s Teddy Bear

Staying true to our heart is surely a wonderful thing!

IMG_5668Just a short while back I posed the question to many of you: “Should I charge more for my teddy bears to help me get out of my financial troubles?”

There were quite of you who, thankfully, offered your opinion and your ideas. With my financial situation what it is, charging more for the bear seemed to me like the most appropriate thing to do. But, something kept tugging at me that told me not to. I didn’t want to price myself out of business (and business has been slow), and more importantly, I didn’t like the idea of my teddy bear being accessible to only a few. I don’t want my teddy bears to be “exclusive.” Coveted, yes. But, I want them available to anyone who wants one. Never do I want to hear that my teddy bear is great and adorable….but that someone couldn’t afford him. These bears…

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To be or not to be…..

On Friday afternoon, my little place goes under the hammer.

Home or notIt sits right in the middle of a good cattle grazing property.

Perhaps I’ll know then whether the new owners want me to stay on as a tenant, or if they intend to take up residence themselves…..  what will be will be…..but today I enjoyed the sunrise….

In the beginning

And the sunset…..

A star in the sky

A colourful end