Stop start maybe yes maybe no…..

For a little while now, my computer has been having hiccups.   They are not improving, so it’s booked in to see the Doctor in a couple of days time.  Fingers crossed it’s fixable.  I do need more RAM etc, anyway, so it’s a wait and see what happens…

In the meantime, apologies for not visiting your blogs, and making comments.  It’s just too hard at the moment.

I had a busy weekend attending a dressage event, and hope to show you some images from that once these issues are sorted. Till then, have a great week everyone! 🙂

Following Nature

“The man who follows nature and not groundless opinions is independent of all things. For in reference to what is enough for nature, every possession is riches — but in reference to unlimited desires, even the grea”The man who follows nature and not groundless opinions is independent of all things. For in reference to what is enough for nature, every possession is riches — but in reference to unlimited desires, even the greatest wealth [is not riches but poverty].”
test wealth [is not riches but poverty].”                   Epicurus

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