day of finnish nature 2014

All over the world, let us celebrate Nature!

alternative viewpoints

Today, we’re celebrating the day of Finnish nature for the second time, ever! I’m travelling at the moment (indeed, I am in Finland!), so this post is done in a bit of a haste. Despite this, I want to make a post because I very much like the idea of a day for nature, since there are days for so many other important concepts. This is what I wrote last year:

It’s a day for appreciation and maybe a bit of reflection, too – what does nature mean to us, and why are we destroying it? I also hope this day will raise awareness of the natural catastrophes that take place in Finland every year, caused both by companies and individuals. Money comes first far too often.

Days for this and that might not have a direct impact on anything, but I think it’s a good opportunity to nudge people…

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Almost Springtime

It’s almost Springtime Downunder, the grass is growing, the cows are calving, and blossoms are peeking out.
Warm days and clear chilly nights. My plans for the future are taking much of my time so thanks for hanging in, and all will be revealed in good time. 🙂



More on Depression

Nothing more I can add to this…..

Damn the Matrix

It’s a miserable day today.  Cold, rainy, and worst of all…….  the AGA’s flue looks like it’s blocked up, and getting up on the roof to clean it out in this weather is simply out of the question!  My fault, I had scrap pine left over, and I decided to put it through the stove to get rid of it, and now I pay the price……. at least, all things being equal, we might end up with full tanks again by the time this deluge ends, we do need the rain.

thornton Nicole Thornton

The passing of Robin Williams by his own hand has caused much gnashing of teeth on the internet, and a rebound in posts about depression and suicide.  So this is what I’m writing about on this rainy afternoon.  The post I put up about ‘everyone I know is heartbroken’ attracted a lot of attention; then the other…

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