Goodbye dear friend

For the past week, I’ve been back in old territory, back where I used to live before I took to the road.  I’m back to empty out the storage container with my household effects.  There is no chance of me returning to live around here, and even if I find a house suitable in the future, it makes better sense financially to be done with what I have for now.  A friend will store a few things for me at his place, but it’s only short term.  Mostly it’s not been emotionally difficult parting with my household effects……well, not until it came to parting with my violin I’d had since I was a young child.

It’s gone to a woman who will use it, and love it, and play Irish music on it, so I really can’t ask for better.  Except it’s breaking my heart.  I even had a little rage to my self after it left yesterday, raging against the circumstances that have led me to this decision.  However, I’m over that now, just the sadness remains.  I still have my mandolin – which doesn’t get played enough now either – and that shares my bed, along with the cats.  Squeezing us all into the little van continues to be challenging, and I keep asking my fairy godmother for a slightly larger van, when she feels the time is right.

Obviously the time isn’t quite right yet…..

Hopefully I’ll have this business completed by the end of the month, and move into the  next chapter of the story. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

Hello again

It feels ages since I last wrote, as I’ve been places, met people and animals, and had much to think about and muse upon.

I’ve taken heaps of photos, but sometimes days go by before I’m able to download and look at them.  Sometimes it’s because there’s been so much activity,  that I run out of time and energy, and other times it’s lack of power for the equipment.  However, I’m camped with a powered site tonight, and so I’ll begin to catch up a little.

After the showjumping at Mt. Pleasant, I headed down south, taking a long route through the Adelaide Hills, looking at places I was familiar with a long time ago.  It’s lost its charm for me now, as it’s increased in population and road traffic.  I was glad to finally escape from it all. We did a short camp near Langhorne Creek, then took a detour next day to Milang just cos we could.  🙂


Next stop was lunch at Meningie, on the Lake Albert.  Part of the Coorong.

These are the words of one of the Traditional Elders of the area.


Pelicans abound in the area. Wonderful wonderful birds 🙂

At Kingston SE I was able to catch up with a friend of mine.  While there, Fred and I managed to get in a paddle on the beach. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA


A couple of days later, we headed back north again, this time at a more leisurely pace, stopping off firstly at The Granites.  This is a place we’ll return to more often, now I know what it’s like!  Amazing place.


Camp that night was beside the Lake Albert at Meningie.  A pleasant caravan park.




That evening I met again a couple I’d spoken to briefly at the Granites, and we ended up sharing a bottle of wine and stories.  They were from USA, and really enjoying their visit to Oz.  Nice nice folk.  Meeting and making connections, no matter how brief, is why I travel.

Even Fred made a connection, of sorts, with the ‘dog’ at the caravan park entrance.


Then I was back to Mt. Pleasant, where I got more and more of my horsey fix!  More on that next time 🙂