
Meet the latest member of the family – albeit more a foster one….  it’s Meriwether!  🙂

Day oneHe’s a two year old Merino wether ( that’s a boy without his bits) and he’s here to eat the grass down in the small orchard.

He had been running with cattle, so has some identity issues….. and this shot was taken just after his arrival when he was still quite wild.  But given a week to settle in and think things over, he’s now eating out of my hand 🙂

HulloHe’s also doing the job he’s been employed to do 🙂  Much nicer than spraying weedkiller around, don’t you think?


True Cost of Fast Fashion

I simply cannot enter a K-Mart store anymore – I can smell the toxins well before the entrance and that’s sufficient warning for me. Start tuning in to your body and make better clothing choices please.


Summer has been beautiful in Seattle this year – and I’ve been taking advantage of it.  My month turned into almost two months – I just couldn’t bring myself back to the computer.  But now I’m refreshed and ready to go again.

We’ve often had people question why organic sofas cost “so much” – and I’ll address that next week.  This week let’s talk about what has become known as “fast fashion” – the idea of moving the newest trends from the catwalk to the store quickly to capture the newest design trends.  And the consumers are responding:   A Cambridge University study[1] found that  people were buying a third more clothes in 2006 than they were in 2002, and women have four times as many clothes in their wardrobe than they did in 1980.  And they get

rid of a similar amount.   oscar-wilde-FAST-FASHION-quotes

Fast fashion is all about having trendy…

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So close to Spring….

If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant; if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome.
Anne Bradstreet
Peace on the lakeI drove past Lake Frome again today. No, I didn’t.  I had to stop. To pause. To listen to the frogs.  The pobblebonks.  So wonderfully peaceful.

Just lately I’ve been off-line more or less, getting a different internet connection organised.  Now I’m back, and will try to catch up a bit on other’s postings as well as update here …..   although the sun keeps calling me to work in the orchard!


I found this dear little creature running about my kitchen bench, (probably it had hitched a ride on produce from the garden) and as some rare afternoon light was coming in the nearby window, I grabbed my camera and took a few shots of the very tiny spider.  Then had some fun processing in different ways.  After I had finished photographing the spider, it was allowed to go its own way…..  🙂  It’s a very long time since I read Charlotte’s Web, but I’m thinking it’s time for a re-read.

Click on an image to view full size – don’t worry, it won’t bite you!  🙂

The itsy bitsy spider   (or The eensy weensy spider)
climbed up the water spout.
Down came the rain and washed the spider out. Out came the sun
and dried up all the rain.
And the itsy bitsy spider (or eensy weensy spider)
climbed up the spout again.