Knickers the giant

Here’s a bit of lightheartedness for the weekend 🙂

All that aside, at present my van is stripped down to virtually empty, as she’s preparing for a new fit-out.  She’s been measured, and measured, and lots of discussions taking place with my friend Bob who is going to use his carpentry/building experience to make her inside space more usable.  Well…… that’s the general idea anyway!  Sadly, can’t push her out from inside to create more space, just have to be more clever with it.  I’ve had ideas on this for some time;  now that I’ve lived in her enough I know better my priorities and what works and what doesn’t.

There will be photos taken along the way – well, that’s also the plan anyway 🙂

Once she’s completed, we’ll be on the road again – yay!  And hopefully back to making more regular posts again.