I’ve been everywhere…..

Well, not really I haven’t, but I’ve been to a goodly number of places in the past few weeks, mostly around the Eyre Peninsula in South Australia.

Yep, good ol’ SA, where life hasn’t become too abnormal in these crazy times.

Now, I’m in one place for a little while, perhaps till the end of the month, but I’ll see how it goes.  The plan of mine is to help a friend with his garden, particularly the food producing part of it.  He has a large block in a small country town, and over time has planted lots of natives, and grown some food.  But his background in not in food producing, in producing good fertile soil, and that’s where I come in.  As a child I followed my father around while he tended the food producing section, and later on I grew at different times and places, sufficient food for many of my needs, with surplus to sell.

One year I even won Champion Vegetable Exhibit at my local agricultural show. 🙂

So I’ve gained a lot of experience over time, and am still willing to keep learning.

In a manner of speaking, I’m WOOFING.  Just on an informal level.  After a lifetime of hard work, I’m loath to commit to too much at this stage of my life.

So while I’m here, I hope to gradually catch up on editing my thousands of images taken along the way, and post some of them here, and also update my online store.  Every now and then, someone purchases a print or a postcard, so I may as well spend some time there.  As they say, you have to be in it to win it 🙂

Fred had a great time!
Camping under a big sky.
Our Spirits soared!

Don’t you know it’s magic?

While we’ve been mostly absent here on WP, we’ve been out in the wild world having magical times.  The more I travel by instinct and less by planning, the more magic I allow into our lives.  Most of our time is away from cell reception, and today I’m making the most of a good signal in a town, to catch up a bit.  It’s blowing not quite a gale, and plans to head further in a particular direction are put on hold, until perhaps next week, when I’m hoping to do some whale watching.  So later today, we’ll head to where-ever it feels right 🙂 but not into the wind……

A place we briefly visited on Eyre Peninsula last November, is Pildappa Rock, located 15 kms from the small town of Minnipa.  It was time to return.  Instead of a quick overnight stop, we stayed for two days, and will return some more to this magical place.


You can’t miss it on the approach from town.  It captures me every time.


We set up camp in the late afternoon, on the eastern side in order to get the morning sun on the van – I rely on the sun for heating in the winter 🙂


Love love love the evening colours in the eastern sky.  Magical.


To our great surprise we awoke not to sunshine, but to a fog/mist as far as the eye could see.  Time to get out exploring!

It was a totally unexpected start to the day, and completely wonderful and magical.

All the while, birds were singing and all was right with the world 🙂