Summer is gone

It is always a relief to survive another summer in Australia. Living in a tin can has its challenges and summer is the biggest, and now we can enjoy the milder conditions before dealing with winter.

6 thoughts on “Summer is gone

  1. What a lovely display of Autumn colour, Annie.

    I am lucky enough to have air-con, but can well imagine how hot your van gets.

    The past summer didn’t really seem as hot as years ago. I can’t remember if it even reached 40C in Melbourne. But the change in weather is a real relief for me too as I can’t tolerate temps outdoors more than 25-26C. I really feel the heat as I get older.

    1. Thanks Vicki I took that photo in the Barossa Valley recently and I’m sure there’s more colour to come although everywhere is very dry. I’m sure the heat is different these days as even younger people feel it bad. Overall where I was the heat wasn’t as bad as other years but I still had to pay for expensive accommodation for the animals at times.

  2. And we in Texas are enjoying the last of the mild and generally pleasant temperatures of a middle spring, hoping they last at least until June. Then, it’s time for our scorcher — and my friend who retired to van life will be leaving Arizona and heading to the mountains for the summer!

    1. I had planned to go to the mountains this year also but the storms and flooding kept me away. Weather is my guideline on my travels.

  3. I forget you’re on the opposite side of the globe from me. Spring has sprung here, and summer is quickly approaching. Glad you can enjoy the milder temps now.

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