Breaking news! The last moments captured by roving reporter……

Fire in the sky

The sun rose in the West…

It became intense

It became quite intense!

Storms did come

Storms did come.

The boat pulled into vortex

A boat was pulled into the vortex!

They tried to hold back the tideEfforts were made to hold back the tide….

The Light shone down

The Light shone down…

Water evaporated

Water evaporated…..

Some tried bravely to hold onSome bravely tried to hold on in the shifting sands…..

Others were burned out by the effort

While others were burned out by the effort.

Pieces left behind

Till there were just pieces left behind.

But all the colour drained away

All the colour drained out of the Earth.

They tried to run to safety

A few tried to run to safety…..

Especially the children

Especially the poor children….

A few left adrift

Three were left adrift…. in what they did not know….


It was a time of desperation…..

But it was the end

In the end, it was all too late……..